Help manage this office and create the structure. General manager for HCM office.
Overall our vision is to open a HCM office that will gradually help support all operations that is required from HK office, China factory, Vietnam factory. This includes below. For certain operations we will send our team over to help train. For example, design we can send Wendy to help train.
Production – transfer some HK staff work
Design – priority to find 3D designers (HK team will interview, train and manage)
Sales – will require visit some HCMC office clients
Development – merchandisers that are trilingual (HK team will interview, train and manage)
Initial timeline
Work from home and later, shared office space and ultimately office space
Will transfer some Target HK operations to her to do initially
Interview and find 3D design/development staff asap
Create sales team for us. Mainetti or Rpac have sales team that go work directly with the customers HCM office. Are we able to arrange meetings with them to market ourselves
Measurable KPIs
Potential meetings
Potential factory visits
Potential development
Will require travel once or twice or whenever it is needed to factory – transportation cost we can arrange
Will need to travel overseas if required
Công ty 100% vốn đầu tư từ Hồng Kong, chuyên sản xuất quần áo nội yCông ty 100% vốn đầu tư từ Hồng Kong, chuyên sản xuất quần áo nội y